• Corpers Lodge for Teachers
  • Sick bay
  • M. J. Etuk Memorial Multipurpose Auditorium
  • Landscaping of the School Compound
  • Seating Furniture for the classes
  • Completion of the sports complex
  • Revamping of the Music Department
  • Revamping of the Information Technology Laboratory and provision of computer systems
  • Revamping of the Art Workshop
  • Mentorship Programs

Masters, Mphil and Honours

The student is required to have a good understanding of biomolecular sciences – with experience in the field of electrochemistry and microfluidics a distinct advantage. He/She will need to demonstrate adaptability to the multidisciplinary nature of the projects. Masters, Mphil and Honours students are encouraged to contact Dr Rushmore to express his/her interest.


UGC Micro and Nanotechnology Centre ugc campus, Pacific University

2345 Southern Road

State Highway, Southbound 5712


Contact Information

Call:  +00 0012-02345

Email: rushmore@mail.com

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